It is my pleasure to announce that I have finally taken the courage and time to start building my youtube channel. My goal is to record all the music from the Celebration Series Piano books from the Royal Conservatory of Music. They have updated a new syllabus last year (2022) and there are lots of gems in it. Many of the contemporary music were written in this century which students may not get as many opportunities to listen to them.
I am hoping that my recordings will help students who are preparing for the RCM exam, or students who are using this series of books gain some insight on how to interpret the music.
Being a new mom, and also teaching a studio, finding the time to practice has been challenging. But I am trying and I will continue to try my best to make recordings as much as possible. At this point, I am setting a goal for myself to upload one video per week.
I hope you would watch and like my videos, and subscribe to my channel. Thank you!!